Un corps féminin s’élève parmi la végétation. Il a la grâce des déesses antiques. Il évoque La Vénus d’Ille de Prosper Mérimée. Le bronze se soustrait à la gravité, s’arrache au monde réel, au-dessus d’un lourd socle de béton. La matière se libère au son d’un tube disco de la fin des années 1970. Ici, une statuaire rappelant la Grèce archaïque rencontre la culture populaire du XXe siècle. De telles collisions entre haute culture et formes d’art plus légères sont rendues possibles précisément parce que l’amour est un sujet universel.
Peintre et sculpteur, Stéphane Pencréac’h s’emploie, dans des formats souvent monumentaux, à mettre en scène, sur un mode cathartique, ce qui constitue profondément une condition humaine atemporelle, à savoir des sentiments et concepts aussi partagés que l’amour, le sexe, ou l’angoisse devant l’horizon de la mort. La recherche formelle d’effets de troisième dimension permet au spectateur d’entrer littéralement dans les œuvres et favorise ainsi l’identification au sujet.
Texte choisi par l’artiste
Love is in the air de John Paul Young, 1977
Love is in the air, everywhere I look around. Love is in the air, every sight and every sound. And I don’t know if I’m being foolish. Don’t know if I’m being wise.
But it’s something that I must believe in. And it’s there when I look in your eyes.
Love is in the air, in the whisper of the tree. Love is in the air, in the thunder of the sea. And I don’t know if I’m just dreaming. Don’t know if I feel safe.
But it’s something that I must believe in. And it’s there when you call out my name.
Love is in the air… Love is in the air… Oh, oh, oh, oh
Love is in the air, in the rising of the sun. Love is in the air, when the day is nearly done. And I don’t know if you’re illusion. Don’t know if I see truth.
But you’re something that I must believe in. And you’re there when I reach out for you.
Love is in the air… Love is in the air… Love is in the air… Love is in the air…
A female body arises among the vegetation. She has the grace of ancient goddesses, bringing to mind Prosper Mérimée’s La Vénus d’Ille. Bronze eludes gravity, pulls itself away from the real world, above a heavy concrete base. The substance is released at the sound of a late 1970s disco hit. Here, a statuary recalling archaic Greece meets the popular culture of the 20th century. Such collisions between high culture and more popular art forms are made possible precisely because love is a universal topic.
A painter and a sculptor, Stéphane Pencréac’h often works in monumental formats, seeking to stage, in a cathartic way, the fundamental, timeless elements of human condition: feelings and concepts as universal as love, sex, or the anguish of facing death.
Text chosen by the artist
Love is in the air de John Paul Young, 1977
Love is in the air, everywhere I look around. Love is in the air, every sight and every sound. And I don’t know if I’m being foolish. Don’t know if I’m being wise.
But it’s something that I must believe in. And it’s there when I look in your eyes.
Love is in the air, in the whisper of the tree. Love is in the air, in the thunder of the sea. And I don’t know if I’m just dreaming. Don’t know if I feel safe.
But it’s something that I must believe in. And it’s there when you call out my name.
Love is in the air… Love is in the air… Oh, oh, oh, oh
Love is in the air, in the rising of the sun. Love is in the air, when the day is nearly done. And I don’t know if you’re illusion. Don’t know if I see truth.
But you’re something that I must believe in. And you’re there when I reach out for you.
Love is in the air… Love is in the air… Love is in the air… Love is in the air…
Un cuerpo femenino se eleva entre la vegetación. Posee la gracia de las diosas antiguas. Evoca a la Vénus de l’Ille de Prosper Mérimée. El bronce se sustrae a la gravedad, se extirpa del mundo real por encima del pesado zócalo de hormigón. La materia se libera al son de un éxito disco de finales de los 70. Aquí un estatuario que recuerda a la Grecia arcaica se encuentra con la cultura popular del siglo XX. Tales choques entre la alta cultura y las formas de arte más ligeras son posibles precisamente porque el amor es un tema universal.
Pintor y escultor, Stéphane Pencréac’h se involucra en unos formatos que a menudo son monumentales, para poner en escena, sobre un modo catártico lo que constituye en profundidad una condición humana atemporal, es decir, sentimientos y conceptos tan compartidos como el amor, el sexo, o la angustia frente al horizonte de la muerte.
Texto elegido por el artista
Love is in the air de John Paul Young, 1977
Love is in the air, everywhere I look around. Love is in the air, every sight and every sound. And I don’t know if I’m being foolish. Don’t know if I’m being wise.
But it’s something that I must believe in. And it’s there when I look in your eyes.
Love is in the air, in the whisper of the tree. Love is in the air, in the thunder of the sea. And I don’t know if I’m just dreaming. Don’t know if I feel safe.
But it’s something that I must believe in. And it’s there when you call out my name.
Love is in the air… Love is in the air… Oh, oh, oh, oh
Love is in the air, in the rising of the sun. Love is in the air, when the day is nearly done. And I don’t know if you’re illusion. Don’t know if I see truth.
But you’re something that I must believe in. And you’re there when I reach out for you.
Love is in the air… Love is in the air… Love is in the air… Love is in the air…